Thursday, January 15, 2015

Week 2:Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson

Not going to lie, but Treasure Island is one of my all time favorite books! I love the story and all the swashbucklingness! (Yes, I made that word up!) It is one of my favorites probably because the first time I read this story I was on a train going across the country.  I was on a mini and far less dangerous sort of adventure! So when I read this book at home, in my chair, with my tea, I did not know quite what to expect, or if it would be as thrilling!

I reread this book because I did not really remember all the little details and wanted to decided if it truly had a place in my top five! I think it still does because for me it is one of those books that bring you to a distant place far away. Yet you may be able to find an island like it somewhere in the world! The adventure is really what makes you want to read the book.  Jim Hawkins is always up to something, and makes risky but brilliant decisions! The whole book is full of rouges, that you somehow get a soft spot for, and wish they may become good.  It makes you realize what greed and fear can do to a person.

One last thought... if you have ever wanted to be a pirate then this book will give you a great look at just what you need to do to become one! All you need to do are three easy steps: first learn "Yo Ho HO and a Bottle of Rum," then get a pirate map, and lastly find a ship! Good luck with your pirating!

1 comment:

  1. Haha I know right! You should reread it! Maybe when you aren't in school though!
