Okay so I trapped myself in another series! I think I am in the middle of 100 at this point! But it was an okay book so I am not to worried.
This book is pretty simple and there is not much to the plot. It is a typical she likes him and he likes her book. However, the setting is original and there are fun twist to the novel. I also appreciated that the story took place in World War II. I am not a huge fan of war time books, but this one held my attention enough that I may start reading more!!
The characters in this novel are great and the author really tries to consistently stay with the attitudes of all of them. However, since this is a series some of the characters actions are fully explained, and won't be until I read the rest. I would suggest this book if you enjoy romance books, World War II, or a light quick read! It is not an emotionally taxing book and quite interesting overall!
I read a lot of book 📚 series. You can definitely get sucked into a series that seems to never end.... Kind of like the one I just finished that was 17 books 📚 looooong! Sucker. The Amazon machine got me on that one. Now I'm reading a Baldacci hardback. Oh, btw, good review. Hahaha 😄