Saturday, June 6, 2015

Week 21: On Distant Shores and In Perfect Time by Sarah Sundin

On Distant Shores and In Perfect Time are the next two books after With Every Letter by Sarah Sundin.  These books are extremely similar to the first book, which left me wishing for more out of them.  I liked the setting of the series, and appreciated that the author did research much of the main plot points. The historical aspect was one of my favorite things about them.  I also liked the settings and imagery the author incorperated.  However, there were a lot of things lacking.  I would have liked the books to be more different from each other plot wise, and for the characters to enteract more.

Beside the disappointing plot line I did enjoy both books.  They were fun and eventful.  The third book in particular was full of plot twist and character development.  Yet, it also was quite preachy. I did not mind that it had a Christian underlying theme, but at times it was overwelming to the reader.  The first and second, had a Christian theme also, but not to the extent of the third.  

Overall, I liked the books, but probably won't read them again.  They were a fun one time read! :) 

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