Thursday, February 5, 2015

Week 5: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams

So The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is hilariously funny! I think everyone should read it because the whole thing is like nothing you have ever read before! However know before you go into it that it is a series, and there are four more books after the first one.  I, of course, did not know that and was left at the end feeling super confused.  So then I checked, and realized I had quite a bit left to read! So do not make the same mistake as I did, and be prepared for the series not just a book!

The first book is a super quick and easy to get through.  Yet if you do not understand British humor the book may not be so quick and easy! The whole thing is pretty much ridiculous and infinitely improbable.  Anything that could happen does happen and that is the majority of the story.  A lot of silly nothings that all link to create something plausible.

The story starts of with Arthur Dent, who is a typical guy that had been living a normal life.  Yet once he wakes up everything crazy and bizarre happens.  He meets numerous quirky characters that all seem stranger than the last one.  He ends up hitchhiking all around the galaxy with no goals and no real cares except for a good cup of tea.  As the book goes on more random things happen and you take every unexpected incident with a grain of salt by the last chapter.

If you do end up reading the book know it is not like the movie.  I expected it to be similar to the movie, but it was not.  However, it seems like the movie did a great job at combining all of the books in the series to create a coherent plot.  I am super stoked to read the next four books over the coming weeks. Anyways, read this book because it is just so comical!

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