Friday, February 27, 2015

Week 8: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy books 4 and 5

This week I read So Long and Thanks For All the Fish and Mostly Harmless by Douglas Adams.  Both these books are so peculiar, especially the fifth one.  In my opinion neither of them fit as nicely in the plot line as the first three, yet they were both very interesting and imaginative. The stories often make full circles with the events that unfold, but both books seem to create more loose ends than they complete.  The ending is unusual but not wholly unexpected, and fits rather well with the nature of the books.  All the books prove that the author has both an amazing humor and a vivid imagination.   

During these books I often got lost during parts of the story line and had to reread paragraphs. This is weird because most of the time I can follow along fairly easily! I would suggest you read all five books in order and all around the same time.  Otherwise you may find everything much more complicated then it needs to be! Everyone should read these books because they are so unique.  Douglas Adams take you on a whirlwind adventure throughout the Universe following the life's of some bizarre characters. My favorite is Marvin!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Good review. I probably won't read the series though, not my cup of tea.
