Thursday, February 19, 2015

Week 7: The Laughing Cavalier by Baroness Orczy

I suppose I should start by saying that I lied.  I wrot elast week that I was going to read the final two books of the Hitchhiker's Guide, but I did not feel like reading two books in a week, again! So next week I will read those final two installments. With that being said I will now discuss the book I read this week!

This book is a prequel to the Scarlet Pimpernel books. ( A series which everyone should read!) The book is so much fun and has so many thrilling parts to it.  The main character is a man called Diogenes, who is a philosopher, adventurer, soldier, but mostly a cavalier.   Though he seems a little cocky most of the book, I believe he is a character most people would enjoy reading about.

The author, turned the picture of the Laughing Cavalier, painted by Frans Hal, and created a unique story line to go with the fantastic piece of artwork! I personally love how amazingly this picture is painted, but honestly the guys mustache is a little bit to much for me! However, the personality the figure portrays in the book, fits the debonair swag of the man pictured, so the mustache must stay!

The book is a little bit drawn out it some places, and there seems times when sentences are repeated.  However, I love reading classic historical novels, and this one did not let me down.  If you are looking for a classic that is unknown to most people than I would say this is a good choice for you! It has the daring of Treasure Island, the plot of a Sherlock Holmes story, and the romance of an Austen novel.  Mixed with the awesome fact it was all written because of a painting makes it so enjoyable!

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